It’s All Him

Somewhere in March of this year I fell for a boy.

I remember the moment perfectly. After our first kiss, I looked into his eyes and he smiled. That smile. That’s all it took. I fell hard, all at once.

He wasn’t the usual kind of boy, the kind who is inconsistent and shadowy. The kind who plays with your feelings just because he knows he has the power to. And trust, this guy had the power to play with mine.

No, he was nothing like that.

He reverberated life off him, gave everything and everyone he came into contact with more vigor and vitality rather than pulling them down like most people do these days.

But this guy, he was so different and it made me want him, so badly. He’s been mine for a while now but I still want him. Every. Single. Day.

He’s made such an impact on me, he’s changed my life and I doubt he even knows it.

I don’t think he realizes what he does to me.

If you see me walking around with an extra bounce in my step, if you catch me in a moment of silence where it looks like I’m pondering and I smile to myself, if you notice that I am genuinely happier now then I ever was… it’s all his doing. It’s all him.

Why have we played Host & Mistress to so many Hollywood big boys? Why Don’t Canadians Watch Their Own Films?

            Imagine if Canada had created a Hollywood North. Indeed, Canada’s first response to the primacy of Hollywood was the concept of creating a Hollywood North, it’s just that Hollywood in the States got a head start. Many of us are quick to assume that Canadian films are amateur, but in reality many of them are really well done. D.W. Griffith, an American director best known for the film Birth of a Nation, once said, “You in Canada should not be dependent on either the United States or Great Britain. You should have your own films and exchange them with those of other countries. You can make them just as well in Toronto as in New York.” Then why are we so quick to assume that Canadian films are amateur? Why don’t Canadians watch Canadian films?

            Being aware of how Hollywood got a head start would probably help us understand why Canada fell behind in the production of films and, more importantly, will help us realize why American films are so dominant and popular. Canada was slow in entering the film industry because of three reasons. First, at the time when Hollywood was rising, there were no large cities in Canada (that’s not including Montreal but even then they did not have a huge population). This meant that there was no audience for their films. Secondly, there was no one willing to invest money into Canadian films. Canadians have been known to be more careful with their money, it’s the Americans who are the risk-takers. Lastly, there existed no national live theatre yet, like Stratford.

If one thinks about the average budget for an American film, roughly 120 to 200 million dollars, and compares it to the amount Telefilm Canada distributes amongst numerous Canadians directors annually, 110 million dollars, one can see why it’s a much harder task to create a Canadian film. On top of this, the American film studios have several millions of dollars to spend on advertising their films, which is a huge advantage because it gets a large amount of people to actually watch their films. Unfortunately, since Canadian movies do not have that advantage, most Canadians are simply unaware of the Canadian films that do exist so they will not go and see it.

The American film industry also had a huge head start and advantage because of the world wars – European film studios were being bombed during the wars, so American films filled the gap. American film studios have access to a lot more money, and especially in these days since they have these huge corporations such as Time Warner, Sony, and others controlling much of the media, they have the extra money needed to spend on advertising. The U.S. has had a huge cultural influence market and has a large population – so mass amounts of people paid to go see the American movies and that meant that the studios had money again to make bigger movies. Their diverse culture has also always been a big advantage to them, seeing as they had to make more accessible movies with simple plots and universal themes, and this attracted a wide variety of people, especially immigrants (the magic of American films is simply that they make films that everyone can relate to). Last and more importantly is that the Hollywood studios have been organized into the Major Motion Picture Association and that means they work together to promote their films, set up American movie chains in other countries and distribute their films globally.

So it’s not so much that Canadian films aren’t well done, or that Canadians are simply uninterested in their own films – it’s more than that. There is a much larger institution backing this up, making sure the American movies are globally dominating the film industry.  When it comes down to the actual films that Canada is making, they are incredibly well done. Every year, Canadian films find a spot in Oscar nominations. Not amateur at all.

Imagine Django being created in a Canadian context – with Aboriginals instead of black slaves.

Is it crazy to even think that? How crazy is it though? 

There’s been a lot of talk and controversy about the content in Django Unchained and how if it was any other director or if it was made in any other country it probably wouldn’t have been received as well as it did. So imagine if some Canadian director decided to direct and write this movie. Would he have done it in a Canadian context and instead of black slaves it would be a revenge story of Canadian Natives who had their land, culture, language, and rituals stripped away from them? Would it be just as economically successful, do you think?

I can’t claim to know all the answers to these questions but I will say – I would watch a movie like that. In fact, I think Canada NEEDS a movie like that. Heck, I’ll write it! 

I just think the Natives of Canada truly need to be heard by our so-called multicultural country.

I wrote a position piece recently, on the fact that it’s really strange how Canada can be considered such a multicultural society (actually a lot of us take pride in describing our country as such), when we actually aren’t. We may be welcoming and accepting of other ethnicities and cultures and all that jazz, but we are not really all that multicultural. Here’s the piece I wrote – may it be some food for thought:

            Multiculturalism is the over-used adjective to describe Canada. The question that should be asked here is “why?” Is it true that very few countries in the world can boast of the cultural diversity found here? And what makes Canada more multicultural than the USA? Perhaps many people could argue that they generally have a “melting pot” culture. However, although Canada may be multicultural in the sense that there are people here of many different races and cultures, there are those who can argue that this does not prevent us from being disconnected from the other cultures that are not our own. Can one really say that by occasionally eating Chinese, Indian, Thai, Mexican, Portuguese, or French food that would make you a multicultural person? Let’s be honest with ourselves.

            It is not to say that there aren’t multitudes of people of different races and ethnicities that co-exist in Canada, because indeed there are. However, there is a disconnect between cultures. What is truly practiced here is selective multiculturalism. For example, one may find a number of restaurants that provide different ethnic foods, but one would rarely find other forms of cultural representations such as dress, language, and rituals in the same cities.

            Take a moment to think about the Aboriginals – or more specifically, think about them keeping in mind the historical relationship between the Natives and the European immigrants in Canada. The immigrants, who put the Aboriginals in reserves, did little to facilitate a harmonious existence between them. The foundation of this relationship is still evident today, when you think about the fact that the Aboriginals practice their rituals geographically separate from their Canadian counterparts. This historical and continuing cultural separation in itself, to a certain extent, reflects the kind of multiculturalism we have today. The alienation of Natives have not been effectively addressed, since the cultural divide is continuously increasing, and efforts to promote integration have been inadequate. As a result, it’s difficult to understand how multiculturalism can be said to exist when this crucial relationship with the peoples of Canada depicts so many flaws.

            In many ways, Canada has fallen short in this description of being a multicultural country. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Canada is on its way to achieving an ideal multicultural society – because it certainly hasn’t reached this status yet. The reality at the end of the day is that Canada is young, and we have to give our country a break. Maybe Canada is still trying to find its identity. Do we want Canada to be known as a truly multicultural country? Then it is up to us Canadian citizens to work towards that admirable goal and make it happen.

Going Public – Writing Goals 2013

As writers, it’s important to set ourselves some realistic, reasonable, and achievable goals and deadlines. It’s also really important for us to go public with our goals. To find out why I’m doing this, check out Scott Myer’s blog here:

“Why go public?

Because if we just think about our goals, they are nothing more than illusions, hazy, half-baked phantasms in our heads, here and potentially gone like all the other zillion thoughts that spurt through our consciousness each day.

Because if you don’t formalize your writing goals, you may forget them.

Because having some sort of tangible, physical list gives you a touchstone to remind you what you need be focusing on throughout the year.

Because by proclaiming your goals to the Universe, they become real.

And the biggest reason of all: That simple act of courage — declaring your goals publicly — engenders positive energy, recalling the line by the Rev. Basil King who said, “Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.”” – Scott Myers

So, what are my writing goals for 2013?

I have plenty.

I want to continue writing short stories, insights, thoughts, opinion pieces, poems, and picture prompts on my Insights and Thoughts writing blog. It’s the best way I have of expressing myself, and through this blog I am able to better myself as a writer and better my world view.

I will continue writing film reviews on my film blog ( I always seem to have something to say on a whole bunch of different films, and I just simply find complete enjoyment writing about movies. And someone once told me, “You’re doing it right by being on twitter and with your movie review blog thing. Shows you have a passion and expertise. Some tangible evidence you know your stuff… You’re pretty mature in terms of your social media approach to all this. That’s impressive.”

I plan on continuing what I’m doing with this whole social networking thing… Twitter has helped me a WHOLE lot this year. I don’t think anyone can really understand just how much except for me. Finding other aspiring and successful screenwriters in the world has really boosted my confidence in being able to make it. I’ve created a great writing support system on twitter. Strangers have been messaging, emailing, and tweeting screenwriting advice, tips, and have honestly been a great help in finding a practical approach to following my dreams and getting shit DONE. This little blurb just does NOT do justice to the amazing group of people I’ve found online who have helped me through a lot (For instance, some people literally send me paragraphs upon paragraphs of screenwriting advice sometimes, and it just makes me so happy to be part of such a strong writing support system). Plus, networking is key for writers in terms of getting their stuff out there.

Last but DEFINITELY not least…

I plan on completing at least one script, with revisions and all. In other words, have my first FINAL draft manuscript printed out and binded by the end of this year. (I even have a set date to finish my first draft – May 10, the day before my birthday. Kind of like a birthday gift to myself I guess). I really have to push myself to get some scripts written down if I’m going to apply to Vancouver Film School for their Screenwriting program in a couple of years.

To make sure I actually achieve my goals this year, I’ve already started writing down on a calendar my weekly writing deadlines. For example, for the month of January, I plan on writing at least 10 pages of my script each week. For next month, seeing as things might get busier with school and midterms and all, I will probably only aim for 5 pages a week.

I’m also printing out the pages of my first draft as I go along, and I’m posting it up on my “movie board” so whenever I see it, it will not only remind me to keep going, but also it will get me excited to get it finished and keep on writing.

Photo on 13-01-10 at 2.13 PM

I also have future plans on submitting my scripts to, and maybe even to some film festivals such as Sundance Film Festival. It’s a long shot, but eh, at least I can say I tried and am putting myself out there. How else am I supposed to get my work noticed?

“The Black List is where moviemakers find great scripts to make and scripts find moviemakers to make them.”

Girls: They’re either bitches, or too “flirty”.

So, I’ve been hearing a lot about the fact that many girls are going through what I’ve been through COUNTLESS times.

Let me explain.

I’m a really nice person. At least, I try to be. I’m never rude, and I try my best to be polite and to never hurt anyone’s feelings. I’m very conscience of how I treat others. So when people talk to me, I talk back. I’m very sociable (when I get comfortable with someone), so I tend to talk a lot. There’s no problem here, right? That’s what I thought until…

Too many boys thought I was flirting with them. They took my kindness as me flirting. Um, no. I’m just nice like that. And now I’m hearing from my little sister, that it’s the same for her and a lot of her girlfriends. If girls are really nice to some boys, most boys will take it as they like them.

Okay, not the biggest problem in the world, I get that. But it gets really annoying when it starts to complicate friendships, or for example, when my little sister starts to be called a slut for being nice to these guys that thought she “led them on.” Puh-lease.

It’s not our fault that these guys misinterpret our smiley-faces via text. Smiley faces, people. They aren’t code for “I love you.”

It’s all really stupid, because if us girls AREN’T nice? Oh, well then we’re fucking bitches. Like, no. Maybe we start acting like “bitches” because guys can’t take the hint that we don’t like them in that way. Guys can’t take a hint. We have to start acting blunt, dry, stuck-up, rude, and – well – bitchy, in order for them to realize “Oh, hey… maybe she really just isn’t interested.”

And let me tell you – it’s not fair. If we’re nice to a boy- it means we have to really like the guy. If we’re not nice – it means we’re bitches.

I feel like maybe there are just way too many girls out there that are over-confident, stuck-up and may seem like bitches on the surface, so when a guy finally meets a genuinely nice girl, they think she’s being nice because she likes him. I don’t know. I may be wrong, but that’s just a theory of mine. And my sister backs me up on this.



People hate on clouds too much.

This one girl had her nose stuck in story books all day long, and everyone kept telling her that she had her head up in the clouds like it was a bad thing.

Stories reveal so much about our world.

For example, the original oral fairtytale tradition was started as a way to entertain, yes, but it also revealed so many different social issues of the time and some can even relate to today’s world. Look it up. And then the Harry Potter series is probably the best example of how fantasy, fiction, and storytelling can blend perfectly with social issues and therefore teaching its readers the various issues of racism, slavery, “ethnic cleansing”, war, politics, and sexism amongst countless others.

So when this girl was reading these story books, she might have had her head amongst the clouds, but who said clouds don’t have anything to offer? Well, whoever first started that saying “She has her head up in the clouds” and applied a negative connotation to it… is a numbnuts.